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ITnIS consulting has been awarded Security Consultancy Services for Double Tree Hilton, Islamabad

Information Security Awareness

Empower Your Workforce: Enhancing Security Awareness

Recognize employees as your company’s vital security asset. Evolving security threats demand ongoing awareness. Organizations invest heavily in security, but employees’ roles are pivotal.

Better security practices reduce cyber threats and data breaches. Employees can unwittingly endanger the organization by:

  • Using weak passwords, inviting network attacks.
  • Mishandling devices, risking data loss.
  • Neglecting virus updates, causing infections.
  • Engaging in unrestricted web use, hampering productivity.
  • Falling for social engineering, revealing secrets.

Proper training turns employees into security assets. A strong program involves continuous training, aligning with values.

ITnIS offers security programs fostering security-conscious behavior. Empower employees to safeguard information assets, promoting accountability and profitability. These programs drive measurable behavioral changes.

Trained employees can even spot undetectable attacks. With ITnIS, your employees actively protect your interests.

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